My Noble Grandmother
She was kind and gentle, ever a smile or hug.
Always on the go, she was full of life and love.
Though time had taken the toil upon her brow,
The beauty of those eyes expressed the beauty of her soul.
I used to watch her as she cooked,
She showed me how she made her roast, slaw or lamb.
Yet, mine has never tasted near as good,
It was that flavor in her fingertips, I said.
I remember her visits to our house,
Shed drive up in her old Impala and
Wed run through the house and out the door,
Grannys here! What a felling those words proclaimed!
Sundays were special as a child,
We gathered at my Grannys house,
To eat the bounty she had prepared and
Bask in the glow of this humble, giving, noble mother.
Years have passed since then, yet the memories remain.
The tastes, the smells, the sounds linger as yesterday.
The piano still echoes with the touch of her hands,
My heart still feels the warmth of her embrace.