Miss Kitty

Click her eto visit another web site dedicated to Miss Kitty, made by my mother. :)


Miss Kitty was like family to me... she was my first child. 
I found her injured at a gas station in the fall of 1990.  I heard a kitty crying, so I called out to her.  After looking around I saw her limping towards me.  She was hiding in the bottom structure of a street light. 
I took her to a vet, he did not expect her to live.  She had sufferred a broken hip, leg, jaw, and several breaks in her tail.  We never knew exactly what happened to her, but the doctor expects that she had been almost beat to death but some cruel person or kid.  He thinks that she would have had internal injuries if she had been struck by a vehicle. 
I took her home, force fed her for several weeks, and gave her the best love and care that I knew to give.  She eventually healed up, and decided to stay with me.  Since we found her only a few miles from my house, I was afraid she would go back home after she was well. 
Miss Kitty decided to live with me, and she delivered a liter of kittens shortly after she arrived.  After the kittens were weened we had her fixed so she would not have to endure that pain again.

Because of her injuries, she lived with a limp, frequent kidney problems (which increased as she got older) and developed arthritus with age.  Her stomach was also very sensitive and would not digests all foods well.  She was not a people person and usually hid from company, but she was my baby girl.  When I was sad, she was always there for me.  Being an only child, she was my comfort during some hard times. 
As the years went by, I grew older, moved, married, and had my own children.  She was always there, and was very good to my family.  Even though she was not found of children, she never scratched a child, and I caught her checking on  my baby Courtney (now 8yrs old) as she slept, and even went to check on her when she cried. 
Eventually the years started catching up with Miss Kitty, as did her old injuries.  She had more and more kidney problems, along with other illnesses that develop with age.  I became pregnant with my baby boy (6mths old) and my kitty seemed to be sick more than she felt well.  Even though she still purred when I was around her, I noticed her limping more, getting sick more, and her poor old bones creaked when she walked.  Since she was a full grown adult cat when I found her, we knew she was older than the 13 years I had owned her, but we had no idea how old she really was. 
As I had to think about my new baby on the way, and how Miss Kitty's health declined, I prayed long and hard and finally decided to put her to rest.  It was hard to see her suffer more than be happy. 
Christmas 2003 was her last Christmas with us.  Before the new year came, I took her to her doctor and held her as she went to sleep in my arms.  It was one of the hardest decisions I have mad in my life, but I know she was finally pain free and in peace.  I have heard different views of where our pets go when they pass on, and if we will ever see them again.  I believe that our God is a great god and if we had a special pet in our life, I believe that Jesus will have him/her waiting for us when we finally go home to be with him. 


Miss Kitty, I will never forget you.  You will always be in my heart and someday I will come home and you will be there waiting with my family that has left before me. 




